TMJ and Headaches

We specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of Temporomandibular Dysfunction (TMD) and HEADACHES

Pain and clicking in the Temporomandibular joints is a common complaint often leading individuals to explore oral appliances, adult orthodontics and/or more invasive techniques such as surgery. Over 70% of headaches are associated with neck pain and TMD. At KNOSIS, we collaborate with your doctor or dentist to pinpoint the source of your pain and create a personalized treatment plan. Our approach includes research-based techniques to address both TMD and headache-related symptoms, ensuring effective and targeted care.

Diagnosis We Treat

  • Disc displacement

  • Joint capsule inflammation

  • Ligament sprain

  • Muscle tension and dysfunction

  • Neuralgia

  • Migraines

  • Cervicogenic Headaches

  • Tension Headaches

  • Hypnocapnic Related disorders


The key to alleviating headaches is first determining the type and cause and then prescribing individualized treatment. We begin by listening to you and your problem considering past experiences, social and cultural influences. We then perform a thorough physical examination to identify posture, joint dysfunction, muscle imbalances, nerve sensitivity and movement faults. We use capnography instrumentation to measure PetCO2 levels and determine if there is a dysfunctional breathing pattern. We help you to understand your problem and set up a treatment plan on your first visit.


During a 45 min one-on-one session, your therapist will use hands on techniques to restore joint and muscle mobility and decrease nerve sensitivity. Because a common component of TMD and/or headaches is head posture, treatment will include postural re-education and ergonomic advice. Restoring motor control and strength to the masticatory muscles and deep neck stabilizer muscles is a priority when treating TMD and headaches. Specific therapeutic exercises performed under supervision and at home are key to managing your symptoms and preventing their recurrence.