
It is well known that the lifetime incidence of back pain is extraordinarily high, affecting over 80% of the population.  Low back injuries heal and the majority of people (50-80%) recover within 6 to 8 weeks.

Others go on to develop recurrent and chronic low back pain.  Long-term healing is difficult to achieve; and, without the correct treatment, 4 out of 5 people will suffer a recurrence within one year. 

The right treatment can be the difference between healing completely OR developing recurrent episodic low back pain that becomes chronic, leading to long term dependency on pain medications and even surgery.  

Common Spine Conditions treated at KNÓSIS include: 

Low back pain

Low back pain can come from many different sources but most commonly is referred from the lumbar disc, facet joint, sacroiliac joint, ligaments, muscles and nerves.  To identify the source of your pain, your physician and physical therapist will first listen to your story.  Your history and symptoms are important to your diagnosis.  MRIs and X-rays are often taken to look for herniated discs, arthritis, narrowing of the canal around the nerve (stenosis), and nerve root compression.  Your physician and physical therapist will then work together to determine the appropriate treatment. 

Your physician will prescribe pain medications, do trigger point injections or epidurals to decrease pain and nerve sensitivity.  If the pain persists, they may do radio frequency denervation (heating of the small nerves that innervate the joint), or surgery (micro-discectomy, laminectomy, disc replacement or spinal fusion).  Although many people get relief from these procedures, others continue to experience pain. 


Scoliosis   is a sideways curvature of the spine that occurs alongside its natural front-to-back curves, often leading to postural imbalances such as leaning to one side, a visible spinal curve, uneven shoulders, a more prominent shoulder blade, a shifted waist, asymmetrical ribs, or one hip appearing higher than the other. These adaptations can contribute to lower back pain, stiffness, pinched nerves, muscle fatigue, and restricted breathing. While scoliosis can develop in any part of the spine, its presentation varies with age. In adolescents, it most commonly affects the thoracic spine (rib cage area) and is often accompanied by vertebral rotation. In adults with no prior history of scoliosis, the lumbar spine is more susceptible due to age-related degeneration and structural changes. 

At KNOSIS, we take a whole-body approach to scoliosis, focusing on restoring postural alignment and creating balance between muscle length and strength. Through targeted movement training, neuromuscular re-education, and hands-on therapy, we help optimize spinal function, reduce discomfort, and improve mobility for long-term stability and ease of movement. 


Lumbar Radiculopathy

Radiculopathy occurs when a nerve exiting the spine becomes compressed or irritated, often due to bone spurs, trauma, a bulging disc, or age-related degenerative changes in the spine. This compression can cause pain, numbness, or tingling along the nerve's pathway. In lumbar radiculopathy, these symptoms may extend to the back, hip and leg from compression of the nerve roots exiting the spine from levels L1-L5.  At KNOSIS, we don’t just focus on the lumbar spine.  We take a full-body, integrated approach that emphasizes postural alignment, limb positioning, and pelvic core strength to support the low back and effectively relieve pain and limitations caused by lumbar radiculopathy.    

Nerve Pain/Sciatica 

The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body, running from the lower spine through the pelvis, buttocks, and down the back of each leg. Sciatica occurs when this nerve becomes irritated or compressed, leading to pain, tingling, or numbness in the lower back, buttocks, and legs. This irritation can result from bone spurs, herniated discs, or conditions like piriformis syndrome, spinal stenosis, or vertebrae shifting out of place. At KNOSIS, we recognize that sciatic pain is rarely just about the nerve itself—it’s about how the entire body moves, aligns, and adapts. Rather than just treating symptoms, we take an integrated approach that focuses on posture, core stability, and movement patterns to reduce nerve compression and restore proper mechanics. Through hands-on therapy, targeted exercises, and structural alignment, we guide the body back to balance, helping to alleviate pain and create long-term relief. 


Herniated Disc

A herniated disc occurs when the soft center of a spinal disc (nucleus) pushes through its tough outer layer (annulus), irritating nearby nerves and causing pain, numbness, or weakness in the neck, back, or limbs. A disc herniation can result from injury, repetitive strain, or everyday wear and tear. At KNOSIS, we go beyond symptom relief, recognizing that the spine is part of a whole-body system shaped by posture, movement, and muscle balance. Using spinal mobilization, traction, targeted movement training, and hands-on therapies, we reduce nerve pressure, restore alignment, and support the body’s natural balance for lasting relief and improved function. 


Facet Dysfunction

Facet joints are the small connections between the vertebrae of the spine that help guide movement. These joints are lined with cartilage and surrounded by ligaments, muscles, and nerves. When the joints become irritated or worn down, it can lead to facet dysfunction—causing pain, stiffness, and muscle tension that may feel like spasms. This often happens due to aging, injury, or repetitive strain.  As we age, the discs between the vertebrae lose height, putting more pressure on the facet joints. Over time, this extra load wears down the cartilage, leading to arthritis and discomfort. Sudden injuries, like a quick twist or whiplash, can also jam the facet joints, damaging the cartilage and triggering inflammation. Poor posture, prolonged sitting, and repetitive movements that strain the spine can further wear down the joints, leading to pain and restricted mobility.  At KNOSIS, we are experts in full-body alignment and movement mechanics. Rather than just addressing pain at the site, we assess how the entire body influences spinal function, ensuring posture, stability, and movement patterns are optimized. By combining hands-on therapy, movement training, and postural correction, we help restore balance to the spine, reduce strain on the facet joints, and create long-term relief. 

Cervical Radiculopathy

Radiculopathy occurs when a nerve exiting the spine becomes compressed or irritated, often due to bone spurs, trauma, a bulging disc, or age-related degenerative changes in the spine. This compression can cause pain, numbness, or tingling along the nerve's pathway. In cervical radiculopathy, these symptoms may extend to the neck, arm, and hand. At KNOSIS, we don’t just focus on the cervical spine.  We take a full-body, integrated approach that emphasizes postural alignment, limb positioning, and pelvic core strength to support the neck and effectively relieve pain and limitations caused by cervical radiculopathy.   


Herniated Cervical Disc

The vertebrae of the spine are separated by discs, which cushion impact and enable smooth movement. Each disc contains a gel-like center (nucleus) encased in a tough outer layer (annulus fibrosis). When the gel escapes through the outer layer, the disc is considered herniated. This leakage can compress nearby nerve roots, causing pain, weakness, or numbness at the site of the disruption and the areas those nerves serve. In the cervical spine, herniation may affect the neck, arms, and hands. At KNOSIS, in addition to managing the immediate neck disruption, we take a holistic approach to address posture, spinal alignment, and integrated movement to restore function, alleviate discomfort and avoid recurrence.  

Cervical Facet Dysfunction

Facet joints are formed by small boney projections of the spinal vertebrae.  They work to connect the bones of the spine, allowing for smooth and controlled movement in the neck, including rotation and bending in all directions. These joints also support the weight of the head and help maintain neck stability. Each facet joint is surrounded by a capsule, lined with a protective membrane and cartilage to facilitate movement. Over time, repetitive stress, injury, or age-related degeneration can disrupt joint function, causing strain, abnormal loading, and even instability. At KNOSIS, we focus on restoring balance and stability to the cervical spine by addressing posture, movement patterns, and overall body mechanics and strength, helping to alleviate pain and enhance function. 

Cervical Stenosis

Cervical spinal stenosis, the narrowing of the spinal canal in the vertebrae of the neck and subsequent pressure on the nerves, may cause symptoms like pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness in the neck, shoulders, arms, or hands. This condition most often develops from natural wear and tear, although previous injuries, smoking, or poor posture over time can contribute significantly. At KNOSIS, we address cervical stenosis with a holistic approach, focusing on restoring posture from the pelvis and hips up, improving alignment, and enhancing movement patterns to alleviate nerve compression and support long-term neck health.   


Cervical Osteoarthritis

Cervical spondylosis also know as cervical osteoarthritis, involves changes in the neck's bones, discs, and joints over time, often leading to pain and stiffness.  At KNOSIS, we take a whole-body approach, focusing on strengthening the pelvic and thoracic core to support the neck, enhancing posture, and reducing stress and pain for improved function and relief. 

Cervical Sprain/Strain

A cervical sprain or strain occurs when the neck is bent or twisted abnormally, causing injury to the soft tissues connecting the bones of the cervical spine. Symptoms, which may take up to 24 hours to appear, include neck pain, stiffness, headaches, muscle spasms, shoulder pain, and even tingling or weakness in the arm or hand. At KNOSIS, we take a whole-body approach to healing, focusing on improving strength, flexibility, and stability to promote recovery and prevent future injuries. 

The Physical Therapy Evaluation

At KNOSIS, after listening to you and your problem, we will perform a thorough physical examination to help identify the source of your pain.  These evaluative tests may involve specific palpation and movements that bring on and take away your symptoms.  We then look for an underlying cause of the symptoms.  

  • Does your posture influence your pain?  

  • Is there a joint moving too much or too little, increasing strain on the pain source? 

  • Is there weakness in a specific muscle or group of muscles?  

  • Do you have a classic movement fault like lumbar flexion, extension or rotation?   

  • When we control that movement, does it take away your pain?   

This system of testing and retesting is part of a clinical reasoning model.  We use this clinical reasoning model to identify a movement diagnosis and prescribe a specific treatment.   



Once the therapist has identified what is causing your lower back pain, you will be given specific strategies to eliminate it.  Some of these strategies may involve changing your posture or movement behavior, others may involve specific relaxation techniques (massage, breathing) or strengthening and motor control exercises.   

KNOSIS therapists utilize real-time ultrasound imaging for biofeedback of the deep muscle system such as transversus abdominus, pelvic floor and multifidus.  Research has shown that in the presence of pain, these muscles have poor recruitment and delayed timing. Restoring this recruitment and timing using RTUS will optimize stability and prevent recurrence of pain.