

We Know the Body. You Know Your Body.
When We Come Together, an Alchemy occurs

You don’t have to be injured to benefit from Physical Therapy

Designed specifically for individuals who are not in pain but want to understand how to optimize their bodies longevity and performance. 

Moving you from reactive to proactive.
We change the perception of going to a physical therapist - when only in pain.

& Body Dia-gnosis

It is a 90 min full body assessment, performed by an expert physical therapist, to identify patterns of non optimal movement and generate a ‘body diagnosis’.  

  • Where is your body restricted?  

  • Where is it moving too much?  

  • Do you have specific weaknesses and muscle inefficiencies that are stressing your spine and joints?  

Body Work Plan

This assessment will be followed by the creation of a ‘body work plan’ and 4- 8 sessions to include:

  • How to sit and stand to optimize connection to core and postural alignment 

  • Specific areas that need to be mobilized with manual physical therapy or massage therapy 

  • Targeted muscle synergies that need to be trained within Pilates, Gyrotonic and strength training sessions.  

We will also discuss other questions you may have regarding your overall wellness routine  This program will help you keep your body aligned, strong, and performing at its best—no matter your age, injury, or pain history!