1. Who comes to KNOSIS?

Anyone who wants to realize their bodies full potential. Anyone in pain or wants to learn how to prevent pain. Especially if they have struggled to find answers. We serve New Yorkers, those traveling frequently to NYC, creators, entrepreneurs, change makers — who want to keep their bodies performing at the highest level so they can too. 

2. Can I come to your center if I am not in pain?

YES. We believe strongly in a prevention model of body care. The best way to get started is with the body discovery assessment and program guided by one of our expert physical therapists. You will be given a specific hands on body work, science based movement efficiency training and innovative wellness services.

3. What is the difference between Physical Therapy and Physiotherapy?

The terms physical therapy and physiotherapy are exactly the same. There is no difference between the 2 and they can be used interchangeably. ‘Physiotherapy’ is used in Australia, Europe and the rest of the world where ‘Physical Therapy’ is used mostly in the United States.

4. Do I have one on one time with my physical therapist?

YES, this is an important part of your care at KNÓSIS. Unlike most physical therapy practices in NYC, our therapists spend 40 min one on one with you. Your sessions take place in private treatment rooms. You are seen for the duration of your session by a specialized manual physical therapist and not passed on to physical therapy assistants or aids. 

5. Do you take my insurance?

Once you fill out our verification of insurance benefits form, we will get back to with your plan details. If you have out of network benefits or Medicare, our billing team will submit claims on your behalf for physical therapy services. We will do our best to work with everyone to make sure they get the care they need. 

6. What will my insurance cover?

All insurance plans are different and based on your plan benefits. You will be responsible for your deductible and a co insurance payment for physical therapy services. Some insurances require pre authorization in which case you will need to work with our admin and PT team to schedule based on allowance. Insurance will only cover what they deem medically necessary, which includes significant pain and functional limitation. If you exhaust insurance benefits, we can continue your plan of care using our wellness providers and services.  

7. Do I need a prescription from my MD to see you?

If you are using your insurance or Medicare, a prescription from your referring physician is required for physical therapy treatment. Otherwise, the New York state law states that you can see a physical therapist for 30 days or 10 visit before you need a prescription from an MD. 

8. What makes our practice different than other physical therapy practices.

We are known for our assessments and getting to the root cause of pain. We often see patients who have not found the answer to their pain. Our therapists are all specialists in movement and each have advanced training in a particular area of the body. We take the time to listen and clinical reason in our one on one sessions. We work closely alongside other wellness practitioners, including Pilates, Gyrotonic, Massage Therapists, Naturopath, Acupuncturists, Chiropracter, and others.  We stay on the cutting edge and host many world renowned clinicians, and researchers, using of the latest evidence-based techniques. We also host immersive wellness evening events.

9. What is the body discovery?

The Body discovery program was designed for those individuals who do not have pain but would like to prevent it —- or prevent it from coming back -- or just keep their body aligned, balanced and performing at its best. The body discovery 90 min assessment is performed by a physical therapist. In a series of 4-8 follow up sessions we administer hands on body work to remove restrictions/ blockages and movement training for posture, muscle strength and efficiency. 

10. How do you diagnose my body and why is it important?

With our patients in pain, we take the time to identify 3 diagnoses. The first is called the patho-anatomical diagnosis which is the exact source of your pain. We then diagnose your movement, identifying where there is excessive movement and increased strain on the tissue. Lastly, we diagnose your pain processing. There are many different types of pain and it is important that we know how pain is processing in your body in order to eliminate it. 

If you come to us without pain we will focus our diagnosis on your movement. Specifically we identify area of joint and muscle restriction and areas of excessive uncontrolled movement. This is important in developing a specific body care plan.